Merging Horus preamp siste tilskudd på utstyrsfronten.
Etter mange år med forskjellige preamper i et av systemene har jeg nå anskaffet en ny preamp for fremtiden. Horus er utstyrt med 24 kanaler input. Routing til output har mange muligheter som madi, dirkete analog, og Aes67 på samme tid. Låter veldig naturlig.
Litt mer fra Merging sine hjemmesider:
Welcome to the world’s finest mastering-grade networked audio interfaces: Horus, Hapi and Anubis, combining Swiss-built technology with industry-tested AES67 and RAVENNA connectivity.
Merging products have always been noted for audio fidelity and the introduction of these converters continued that tradition but with the added advantage of network signal transmission and control. The amazing transparency of the signal path is obvious at any sample rate but the Premium versions have inspired universal praise for their DSD and DXD performance.
Any stagebox needs pristine microphone preamplifiers and with remote control over the network, this is a package that suits any recording or post production environment. Ease of network management is assured with ANEMAN providing unprecedented speed and simplicity. A range of standard drivers allow these stunning converters to be the I/O for any DAW for any application.